
Računanje sa razlomcima
<section> <h3>Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices</h3> <ol> <li> An integer when divided by §§V0(1,9,1)§§ gives a remainder §§V1(0,8,1)§§. The resulting quotient when divided by §§V2(1,7,1)§§ gives a remainder §§V3(0,6,1)§§. The resulting quotient is then divided by §§V4(1,7,1)§§ giving a quotient §§V5(0,6,1)§§ and a remainder §§V6(0,6,1)§§. What will be the final remainder, if the order of the divisors is reversed? <ul> <li>a. §§V7(0,9,1)§§</li> <li>b. §§V8(0,9,1)§§</li> <li>c. §§V9(0,9,1)§§</li> <li>d. §§V10(0,9,1)§§</li> </ul> </li> <li> §§N0§§ spent §§V11(1,10,1)§§ hours for studying English and playing cricket. If §§N1§§ played cricket for §§V12(0,9,0.1)§§ hours, how long did §§N1§§ study? <ul> <li>a. §§V13(0,10,0.1)§§ hours</li> <li>b. §§V14(0,10,0.1)§§ hours</li> <li>c. §§V15(0,10,0.1)§§ hours</li> <li>d. §§V16(0,10,0.1)§§ hours</li> </ul> </li> <li> Simplify: <ul> <li>a. \( §§V17(1,10,1)§§ \times §§V18(1,10,1)§§ \)</li> <li>b. \( §§V19(1,10,1)§§ \div §§V20(1,10,1)§§ \)</li> <li>c. \( §§V21(1,10,1)§§ + §§V22(1,10,1)§§ \)</li> <li>d. \( §§V23(1,10,1)§§ - §§V24(1,10,1)§§ \)</li> </ul> </li> <li> Which of the following statement is false? <ul> <li>a. The product of §§V25(1,100,1)§§ negative integers is a negative integer.</li> <li>b. The product of §§V26(1,100,1)§§ negative integers is a negative integer.</li> <li>c. The product of §§V27(1,100,1)§§ negative integers is a positive integer.</li> <li>d. The product of §§V28(1,100,1)§§ negative integers is a positive integer.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </section> <section> <h3>Fill in the blanks</h3> <ol> <li> Simplify: <div> \[ (−63) − {(−55) + §§V29(1,100,1)§§ − §§V30(1,100,1)§§ } \div [(−9){(−56) − (−9) \times §§V31(1,10,1)§§}] \] </div> </li> <li> As part of a school charity drive, students of class §§V32(1,12,1)§§ decided to collect money for improving the facilities at an orphanage. They contributed €§§V33(1,10,1)§§ every day for a month. If §§V34(1,50,1)§§ students took part in the drive, then they were able to collect €§§V35(100,5000,100)§§ in the month of December. (Write the answer in the simplest form.) </li> <li> §§N2§§ read \(\frac{§§V36(1,10,1)§§}{§§V37(11,20,1)§§}\) of a book in two days. If §§N2§§ read \(\frac{§§V38(1,10,1)§§}{§§V39(11,20,1)§§}\) of the book on the first day, the fraction of the book §§N2§§ reads on the second day is \(\frac{§§V40(1,10,1)§§}{§§V41(11,20,1)§§}\). </li> <li> If in a swimming competition, §§N3§§ swam \(\frac{§§V42(1,7,1)§§}{§§V43(7,14,1)§§}\) of the swimming pool, whereas, §§N4§§ swam \(\frac{§§V44(1,7,1)§§}{§§V45(7,14,1)§§}\), then §§N4§§ won the competition by a distance equivalent to \(\frac{§§V46(1,7,1)§§}{§§V47(7,14,1)§§}\) of the swimming pool. </li> </ol> </section> <section> <h3>Answer the questions</h3> <ol> <li> Find the missing number using the property of multiplication: <div>\((−§§V48(1000,20000,1)§§)×? = (−§§V49(1000,20000,1)§§) × (−§§V50(1000,20000,1)§§)\)</div> <p>Answer: §§V51(1,10,1)§§</p> </li> <li> §§N5§§ spent \(\frac{§§V52(1,10,1)§§}{§§V53(11,20,1)§§}\) of her money on a handbag and \(\frac{§§V54(1,10,1)§§}{§§V55(11,20,1)§§}\) more money (than the handbag) on a dress. What fraction of money did §§N5§§ spend in all? <p>Answer: \(\frac{§§V56(1,10,1)§§}{§§V57(11,20,1)§§} + \frac{§§V58(1,10,1)§§}{§§V59(11,20,1)§§} = \frac{§§V60(1,10,1)§§}{§§V61(11,20,1)§§}\)</p> </li> </ol> </section>
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