Calculation with fractions
<th>Number of Boys</th>
36% of the boys do not like football.
<h2>Calculate the percentage. Round to one decimal place.</h2>
<p>a) 18 m of 600 m p% = </p>
<p>b) 24 g of 300 g</p>
<p>c) 641 von 801</p>
<h2>Class 7a has 12 boys and 8 girls.</h2>
<p>a) The percentage of boys is 60%.</p>
<p>b) A new boy joins the class. The proportion (c) of boys is now 61.9%.</p>
<span lang="de">W₁₃</span>
<span lang="en">≈</span> 0.619 = 61.9%
<p>p% = ?</p>