Trigonometry Blumen
Plane mappings
<b>(a) Calculate the sine of an angle given by §§V0(0,90,1)§§ degrees. What is the result?</b></p>
<p><b>(b) Find the cosine of the angle §§V1(30,60,5)§§ degrees. What is the correct value?</b></p>
<p><b>(c) Determine the tangent of the angle §§V2(10,45,5)§§ degrees. Which result is accurate?</b></p>
<p><b>(d) Calculate the secant of the angle §§V3(60,90,5)§§ degrees. What is the secant value?</b></p>
<p><b>(e) Find the cosecant of the angle §§V4(15,45,5)§§ degrees. What is the result?</b></p>
\sigma_x^{\ell+1} + h \sigma_z^\ell,
gde \(\sigma_\alpha^\ell\) za \(\alpha = x, y, z\) deluju kao Pauli matrice na mestu \(\ell\).
<p><b>(f) The angle §§V5(0,180,30)§§ is given. Find the sine of double the angle.</b></p>
/( )/
<b>(g) The angle §§V6(45,90,5)§§ is given. Find the cosine of half the angle.</b></p>